Thursday, June 18, 2009

my trip to ny

I felt so lucky to be in NY to see the Rob Ryan installation at Earnest Sewn in the meatpacking district. Firstly, his work is so beautiful but I think it's what he writes in his work that really sets my heart a'flutter. I bought BC a screen print which is so heartbreakingly gorgeous in it's sentiment ( I will take a pic & post another day). Secondly, it made me feel a lot better about all the overcuts and bodged edges my own cut work has. I am unashamedly inspired by Mr Ryan.

I took this picture for my 3 year old friend Tom. The green tile says 'Why are you so naughty ? Because I am so happy'.

A garage off Bleeker St.

I loved this industrial laundry in Chelsea and tooks loads of pics.

Tape graffiti on the sidewalk in Soho.

Ok, this isn't NY, it's in Venice, LA. I thought it was funny and sad at the same time, like most good comedy. x

Monday, June 15, 2009

late night re-shuffle

I've been a bit slack but I beg understanding as the Big Cheese has been away on assignment for nearly two weeks and I've been going slowly round the bend. But, he's back tonight...yey! Late last night I re-jigged my inspiration board and thought I'd post some pics of it to share.

The fox mask and feather mask have been on my board for a while but last night I popped them together and I love it! I made the feather one for a shoot and foxy was shot on my son for a campaign we did. I pinned up my number from the Boston 5k I ran the day before my gorgeous friend ran the marathon. I really need inspiration to get back out there. One of my boys made the leopard for me when he was about 7....isn't it cute?

I've had this card for a cafe in NY, Palacinka, for years after the Big Cheese went to the Big Apple and discovered it. When I went there in May I found it was gone. How sad. I love the pic of the nude girl hugging the horse. I used to know who took it. Oh well. The other pic is a polaroid BC took for my bithday once, scratching his message into the emulsion. Oh just can't compete!

I love things that sparkle. The tulle at the top is the skirt of one of those Kewpie dolls you get at fairs on a stick. My mum bought it for me a couple of years ago at the Royal Melbourne Show. She loved buying it for me and I loved receiving it!